



 瞑想があまりにも人を喜びで満たすために、誰も明日のことなど気にしなくなる。 明日のために今日を犠牲にする者などいなくなる。


 マハリシ・ラマナは癌で死んだ。ラーマクリシュナ・パラマハンサは癌で死んだ。あれ以上の瞑想者がいるだろうか? J・クリシュナムルティはたくさんの病気で苦しんでいる。彼は、ほとんど20年ものあいだ強烈な頭痛で苦しんでいる。彼以上の瞑想者を見つけることができるかね? 彼以上の生けるブッダがいるだろうか? J・クリシュナムルティが頭痛で苦しむのなら、ラマナ・マハリシが癌で死ぬのなら、ラーマクリシュナが癌で死ぬというなら、瞑想があなたに健康を与えると思うかね。たしかにある意味でそれはより以上の健康と、より以上の全体性を与えはするが、それは非常に内面的な意味でだ。




Now, there are masters who say, “Whatsoever you want, you will get it through meditation. Money will pour in. Just ask in deep meditation and it is going to happen.”

This is speaking the language of your desire. The truth is just the opposite. If you ask me, if you really meditate you will be a failure in life, an utter failure. If you are succeeding, even that success will disappear because meditation will make you so relaxed, so nonviolent, so loving, so noncompetitive, so non-egoistic, that who cares for success? Meditation will make you so joyous that who wants to bother about the tomorrow? Who wants to stake today for the tomorrow?

Meditation will make you inwardly rich, certainly. Inwardly you will become ecstatic, but outwardly it can’t be guaranteed that you will become rich, that you will become successful, that you will become very healthy, that no disease will ever happen to you. That is all sheer bullshit!

Maharshi Raman died of cancer, Ramakrishna Paramahansa died of cancer. Can you find greater meditators? J. Krishnamurti suffers from many illnesses; he has been suffering from a severe headache for almost twenty years. The headache is so severe that sometimes he wants to hit his head against the wall. Can you find a greater meditator? Can you find a greater buddha alive? If J. Krishnamurti suffers from a headache, if Raman Maharshi dies of cancer, if Ramakrishna dies of cancer, do you think meditation is going to give you health? Yes, in a way it will make you more healthy and more whole, but only in a very inner way. Deep down you will be whole, deep down there will be an inner spiritual health.

Raman is dying of cancer, but his eyes are full of joy. He dies laughing. This is real health. In deep agony is his body, but he is just a witness. This is meditation.

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 9, Talk #5


 Osho(1931.12.11-1990.1.19 / 59歳)はクリシュナムルティ(1895.5.12-1986.2.17 / 91歳)が36歳のときに誕生し、事実上同じ時代を生き抜いた聖人です。Oshoはクリシュナムルティに関する多くの言葉を遺しており、中には厳しい発言もありますが、彼らは意思疎通しています。これはOshoがクリシュナムルティをラーマ・クリシュナやラマナ・マハリシと同等の高次の霊的存在として、真の瞑想、真の健康とは何なのかを伝えている素晴らしい言葉です。


Radha Chihiro
AHIMSA / Nonviolence Raw Vegan, Catharsis Transmuter, Jnana Yogi, Meditator