Real Freedom|絶対的自由
You are aliveYou existYou are breathingYou are full of kindnessYou are not aloneYou are connected to youYou ...
You are aliveYou existYou are breathingYou are full of kindnessYou are not aloneYou are connected to youYou ...
3 types of therapy There are three types of therapy – spiritual, rational and psychological. Spiritual t...
For some you will be a mysticFor some you will be crazyFor some you will be a wise manFor others you will be...
It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true, not the man who conforms, who follow...
世界・社会・宗教・国家といった言葉は、その背後に中身の全くない只の言葉に過ぎない空っぽの入れ物だ。あなた以外に世界はない 一部の戦争家に対して戦争に反対、抗議するという行いもまた戦争の一部だ あなたは世界だそう、クリ...
Indra, the leader of the celestials, and Virocana, the leader of the demons, once approached Prajapati. They...
The last Century’s greatest word of impact: CONSCIOUSNESSAwake our fullest potential is unlocked.We re...
根底に流れる瞑想的な波長に心身を委ねる 静謐な暮らし野生的な感覚感性という色彩感動を撮り言葉を紡ぐ 静と動が融合し生命のリズムと宇宙のリズムが絵具のように混ざり合う 直観躍動螺旋無限黄泉 ヨミ還る甦る唯在る貴方地球 ...