



 何が起ころうと気にしない。これは何を意味するのか?自分の内面は起こった出来事と調和している、ということだ。「何かが起こる」、それはもちろんそのときどきの状態として現れており、つねにすでに存在している。起こった何かとは中身で、いまという時──時にはこれしかない──の形だ。その何かと調和しているというのは、起こった出来事との関係に心のなかで抵抗せずにいるということである。起こった出来事に善だの悪だのというレッテルを貼らず、ただあるがままに受け入れるなら、行動もせず、人生を変化させようともしないのか? そうではない。それどころか真逆で、いまという時との内的な調和をベースに行動するとき、その行動には「生命」そのものの知性の力が働く。



Not Minding What Happens

 J. Krishnamurti, the great Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher, spoke and traveled almost continuously all over the world for more than fifty years attempting to convey through words – which are content – that which is beyond words, beyond content. At one of his talks in the later part of his life, he surprised his audience by saying, “Do you want to know my secret?” Everyone became very alert. Many people in the audience had been coming to listen to him for twenty or thirty years and still failed to grasp the essence of his teaching. Finally, after all these years, the master would give them the key to understanding. “This is my secret,” he said. “I don’t mind what happens.

 He did not elaborate, and so I suspect most of his audience were even more perplexed than before. The implications of this simple statement, however, are profound.

 When I don’t mind what happens, what does that imply? It implies that internally I am in alignment with what happens. “What happens,” of course, refers to the suchness of this moment, which always already is as it is. It refers to content, the form that this moment – the only moment there ever is – takes. To be in alignment with what is means to be in a relationship of inner nonresistance with what happens. It means not to label it mentally as good or bad, but to let it be. Does this mean you can no longer take action to bring about change in your life? On the contrary. When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of Life itself.

Ekchart Tolle “A New Earth”

Radha Chihiro
AHIMSA / Nonviolence Raw Vegan, Catharsis Transmuter, Jnana Yogi, Meditator